Tuesday, January 04, 2005

conspiracy comedy


props to garber again for doing some poker research and coming out gold. here's a forum thread from poker-king.com where people are CONVINCED that there are robot players that know the outcome of the hands on party poker. their examples of how and why they are cheating robots is pure comedy.


I can't decide if the one by rasjax (once i asked if he was a real player he left) or billythekid (he flopped a straight on me with 7-10 off-suit when i played 8-6 off-suit) is my favorite.


Blogger LJ said...

I can't help, but add my own comentary ... here's what i wrote back to scott after he emailed me the link:

holy crap, this article is ridiculous. i'd post, but the original
moronic posters ... it'd be right over their heads. i have so many
arguments against them ... can't ... contain frustration ... arggh.
okay, here goes ... so party poker said to themselves "we're not
making enough off the rakes when we have 1000's of tables running 24
hours a day, let's create computer robot players that know what cards
are coming out to steal $50 pots off idiots who don't bet pocket JJ's
hard enough pre and post flop. then we can spend the robot money on a
new pair of socks every day. we'll never have to wash socks again!"

and then this one:

"It was down to only me and 1 other player on the table and the other
player was betting and checking and folding so fast on every hand, I
have no doubts it was a computer player. Not to mention he would not
reply to my msgs and the second I questioned if it was a real player
it disappeared."

yeah, the robot player is programmed as follows:

if {suckout will occur}
then {take idiot's money};
else if {message in chat says "are you a real player?"}
then {move to a different table to suck other players out that aren't

give me an f'ing break! if bigfoot was real, we'd know. if
partypoker was scamming $50 pots off morons, we'd know.

1:36 PM  
Blogger angelopappas said...

the last part of the robot post kills me:

"On the flip side, I think that was more of a rare occurence but I'm sure computer players do sneek on from time to time."

.. I've played tons of party poker and have never noticed or suspected a bot to be playin.. now I know why.. they are just too damn sneaky!!!

1:23 PM  

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